All Testimonials


  • When Life Hits Hard Book Club:

    "I learned so much from Heather. Even when she adds a seemingly small comment, it is always so perfectly targeted and helpful. The course has

    influenced my behavior and happiness daily. Naturally, that flows to other people. Such an incredible blessing."


  • When Life Hits Hard Book Club:

    "Heather has a knack for providing sincere empathy to the participants in their struggle, without blame, enabling us to open up to see blind spots. As a

    result of participating in Heather's 5 Secret's group, I use the 5 Secrets regularly, have closer relationships with loved ones, and have been able to

    navigate conflicts with a supervisor more constructively."

    SALLY R.

  • Mastering Your Adult ADHD, A Cognitive Behavioral Psychoeducational Program

    "Completing the Mastering ADHD program has been an incredibly positive and transformative experience for me. The practical strategies and insights

    I gained have had a lasting impact, especially the emphasis on using a calendar to stay organized. Even now, I continue to rely on the tips and tricks!

    learned, and writing things down has become a habit that has significantly improved my ability to manage my ADHD symptoms. The program's

    comprehensive approach to understanding ADHD, coupled with the supportive environment provided by instructors and fellow participants, has

    boosted my self-awareness, self-management skills, and overall confidence. I am grateful for the profound impact this program has had on me, and I

    highly recommend it to anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding of ADHD and learn practical strategies for managing it effectively."


  • Level 5 Certified TEAM Therapist

    "I heartily recommend Leigh to anyone looking to connect with an inspirational therapist, teacher and human being."


  • Feeling Great Book Club

    Feeling Great Book Club

    "Feeling bad and ruminating had seemed an inevitable part of life. Old issues no longer need linger now as The Feeling Great Book taught by Brandon and Heather (and related podcasts by D. Burns) has given me powerful methods to shed unhelpful thinking. I can spot a distortion and stop it in its


    JODEE F.

  • "A fantastic forum to dive into the book, listen and learn from excellent skilled therapists and discover applications as well as practice in the breakout groups. A tremendous experience."

    MAREEN R Wellington, New Zealand.

  • Feeling Great Book Club

    "This will be one of the best investments that you can make in your personal development to overcome Depression and Anxiety."

    PATRICIA M. Saskatchewan, Canada.

  • Feeling Great Book Club

    "Joining this book club turned out to be a life-changing experience for me. I highly recommend it for anyone--and especially those who struggle with anxiety and depression. I am so grateful to Heather and Brandon for facilitating, and Dr. Burns for developing TEAM-CBT and creating resources like this book club to make education about it accessible. I had read many books and seen many therapists before joining the book club so felt skeptical at first if I would learn anything new or see much value, but am so glad I invested the time. I found that the results of TEAM-CBT are highly consistent, effective, and immediate. Over 1 year later I still use the tools I learned regularly. Learning how to use the daily mood journal gave me an amazing toolkit for slaying anxiety and depression again and again in my life...often in a matter of minutes with my relapse prevention journal! If it were up to me, Dr. Burns and all TEAM-CBT therapists would get a Nobel prize or something for their amazing contribution to humanity. Thank you again!"


  • For my 5 secrets groups:

    "I really enjoyed the class for several reasons. First, the group was very supportive, and you made everyone feel safe and welcome there. The real-life examples and the roll playing gave everyone a chance to practice on issues they were facing now. You gave real practical advice in a very empathic way, which also was a class on how to use empathy in communication! I think taking this class reinforces the teachings of the book in a way that just reading the book does not provide. Your modelling of body language and tone of voice, and real time feedback on our roll playing was very effective and instructional. Finally, seeing other people's issues and how you responded to them was also very helpful and educational."


  • 11 Weeks to Self Esteem program:

    "I learned to think before I react and I can only change the way I think/feel and not others thinking. I thought the class was excellent and well- organized as each week was a different area of focus. I believe that the class has already made a huge difference in changing my negative thoughts

    and overall self-esteem."


  • 11 Weeks to Self Esteem program:

    "I feel better than I have for a long time! I credit this to the book club/course, taking amino acids and leaving a toxic relationship. I knew a lot of the principles and theory of CBT but without the support and the regular meetings I would not have gotten the practice in."


  • 11 Weeks to Self Esteem program:

    "Not only has my self-esteem increased but my life has changed. I cannot thank you enough for the time, consideration, and grace you have bestowed on us. This first course has been free which has been a significant benefit to us all as participants and the community of which we are part. Through this course I have learned to talk to myself as I would my best friend or a dear loved one which has made a real impact on my being kind, gentle and non-judgmental with myself. My life has been transformed and my feelings of depression and anxiety have reduced so much that they are at optimal levels now. I could never have expected or dreamed this could be possible in such a short space of time and it was only due to this valuable course and the practical tools and techniques that have made such a wonderful difference for me."

    S. L.

  • When Life Hits Hard Book Club:

    "A book club like no other. The goal isn't simply to read and analyze the text of the book. Instead, to learn and grow with like-minded and like-hearted

    people. Wonderfully organized and a truly worthwhile experience."

    MIKE P.

  • For my 5 secrets groups:

    “This class is such a great way to learn and practice the various elements of the five secrets! Brandon is kind and extremely knowledgeable as a therapist and a facilitator. His gentle manner creates a safe environment where participants can quickly feel at ease. I learned so much from him as we worked together in a group and in small breakout groups to practice the techniques. I highly recommend this class to anyone who wants to enhance their relationships and learn how to communicate better with other people.” — Lisa L.For MeBrandon Vance is a gifted host and moderator, who introduced the new TEAM approach step by step, and therefore it was easy to follow. "


  • Christensen, MACP, RCC, Level 5 Certified TEAM-CBT Master Therapist and Traine

    "Dr. Leigh Harrington is a truly gifted therapist, teacher and trainer in TEAM CBT. As one of my mentors, her guidance in my TEAM learning journey was invaluable. She has a unique ability to inspire learning and challenge her students to elevate their skills with her clear communication in a safe and empowering environment. I consider it a great privilege to learn from her, consider her a colleague and friend, and highly recommend her."

    Christensen, MACP, RCC, Level 5 Certified TEAM-CBT Master Therapist and Traine

  • 11 Weeks to Self Esteem program:

    "This course was a game changer and I dare say a life saver as it did help me tremendously to rewire my brain and stopped me from drowning into my negative thinking spiral which I spent over half of my life in. I highly recommend this course to anyone who gets occupied by his negative thoughts, you will get to learn some amazing powerful techniques that will help you overcome any struggles or difficulties that life may throw at you! Commitment and determination is all what you need to pass this course with success!"


  • Feeling Great Book Club

    "The Feeling Great Book Club was an awesome resource to get more information on and better understand Feeling Great. I first read the book on my own and learned a lot, and getting questions answered, seeing live demos and having a consistent small group was super valuable in helping me! The instructors were incredibly warm, empathetic and skilled. I'd highly recommend it!"

    MANI S 

  • 11 Weeks to Self Esteem program:

    "This program has changed my life and I cam so glad I found it. The tools help me get out of any mood that I may find myself in. This is such a great course/program. I feel like more people should go through this to better understand their thinking and why they react the way they do."


  • Testomonia for the Intimate Connections Book Club with Leigh Harrington and Amy Berner:

    "Things are going too well! I'm noticing thoughts that I have too many women interested in me that it's taking up too much of my time haha. This is a good problem to have and is so strange."


  • From Intimate Connections Book Club:

    "Things are going too well! I'm noticing thoughts that I have too many women interested in me. . . This is a good problem. . ." 

    Intimate Connections Book Club Participant


Heather Clague, MD

A book club like no other. The goal isn't simply to read and analyze the text of the book. Instead, to learn and grow with like-minded and like-hearted people. Wonderfully organized and a truly worthwhile experience.
Mike P.
I learned so much from Heather. Even when she adds a seemingly small comment, it is always so perfectly targeted and helpful. The course has influenced my behavior and happiness daily. Naturally, that flows to other people. Such an incredible blessing"
Deborah H.
"Heather has a knack for providing sincere empathy to the participants in their struggle, without blame, enabling us to open up to see blind spots. As a result of participating in Heather’s 5 Secret’s group, I use the 5 Secrets regularly, have closer relationships with loved ones, and have been able to navigate conflicts with a supervisor more constructively.”
JSally R.

Dawn O’Meally LCSW-C

"Mastering Your Adult ADHD, A Cognitive Behavioral Psychoeducational Program Completing the Mastering ADHD program has been an incredibly positive and transformative experience for me. The practical strategies and insights I gained have had a lasting impact, especially the emphasis on using a calendar to stay organized. Even now, I continue to rely on the tips and tricks I learned, and writing things down has become a habit that has significantly improved my ability to manage my ADHD symptoms. The program's comprehensive approach to understanding ADHD, coupled with the supportive environment provided by instructors and fellow participants, has boosted my self-awareness, self-management skills, and overall confidence. I am grateful for the profound impact this program has had on me, and I highly recommend it to anyone looking to gain a deeper understanding of ADHD and learn practical strategies for managing it effectively."
Olubukola Oriowo
"I know this has been a really good course for me. It has helped me understand SOME OF MY PROBLEMS A LOT BETTER. It is a whole new way of understanding why I have some of these problems. This has helped me so much. Your guidance has been right on target. Sometimes I feel like a different person seeing life through a new pair of glasses."
Jane 7/8/02

Leigh Harrington, MD

"Terrific communicator and encourager."
After pre-dating dynamic shift. "I didn't even know that was possible!"
After response in Q&A in course. "The answer to that question was worth the cost of the entire course." 

Brandon Vance, MD

For my 5 secrets groups: "I really enjoyed the class for several reasons. First, the group was very supportive, and you made everyone feel safe and welcome there. The real-life examples and the roll playing gave everyone a chance to practice on issues they were facing now. You gave real practical advice in a very empathic way, which also was a class on how to use empathy in communication! I think taking this class reinforces the teachings of the book in a way that just reading the book does not provide. Your modelling of body language and tone of voice, and real time feedback on our roll playing was very effective and instructional. Finally, seeing other people’s issues and how you responded to them was also very helpful and educational."
Jason J.
Feeling Great Book Club "Feeling bad and ruminating had seemed an inevitable part of life. Old issues no longer need linger now as The Feeling Great Book taught by Brandon and Heather (and related podcasts by D. Burns) has given me powerful methods to shed unhelpful thinking. I can spot a distortion and stop it in its tracks! "
Jodee F.
Feeling Great Book "Joining this book club turned out to be a life-changing experience for me. I highly recommend it for anyone--and especially those who struggle with anxiety and depression. I am so grateful to Heather and Brandon for facilitating, and Dr. Burns for developing TEAM-CBT and creating resources like this book club to make education about it accessible. I had read many books and seen many therapists before joining the book club so felt skeptical at first if I would learn anything new or see much value, but am so glad I invested the time. I found that the results of TEAM-CBT are highly consistent, effective, and immediate. Over 1 year later I still use the tools I learned regularly. Learning how to use the daily mood journal gave me an amazing toolkit for slaying anxiety and depression again and again in my life...often in a matter of minutes with my relapse prevention journal! If it were up to me, Dr. Burns and all TEAM-CBT therapists would get a Nobel prize or something for their amazing contribution to humanity. Thank you again!"
Aaron Q.
Feeling Great Book Club "The Feeling Great Book Club was an awesome resource to get more information on and better understand Feeling Great. I first read the book on my own and learned a lot, and getting questions answered, seeing live demos and having a consistent small group was super valuable in helping me! The instructors were incredibly warm, empathetic and skilled. I'd highly recommend it!"
~Mani S
Feeling Great Book Club "This will be one of the best investments that you can make in your personal development to overcome Depression and Anxiety."
~Patricia M.
Feeling Great Book Club "A fantastic forum to dive into the book, listen and learn from excellent skilled therapists and discover applications as well as practice in the breakout groups. A tremendous experience."
Mareen R
For my 5 secrets groups: “This class is such a great way to learn and practice the various elements of the five secrets! Brandon is kind and extremely knowledgeable as a therapist and a facilitator. His gentle manner creates a safe environment where participants can quickly feel at ease. I learned so much from him as we worked together in a group and in small breakout groups to practice the techniques. I highly recommend this class to anyone who wants to enhance their relationships and learn how to communicate better with other people.” — Lisa L.For MeBrandon Vance is a gifted host and moderator, who introduced the new TEAM approach step by step, and therefore it was easy to follow. "
Caroline T.
For my 5 secrets groups: "I really enjoyed the class for several reasons. First, the group was very supportive, and you made everyone feel safe and welcome there. The real-life examples and the roll playing gave everyone a chance to practice on issues they were facing now. You gave real practical advice in a very empathic way, which also was a class on how to use empathy in communication! I think taking this class reinforces the teachings of the book in a way that just reading the book does not provide. Your modelling of body language and tone of voice, and real time feedback on our roll playing was very effective and instructional. Finally, seeing other people’s issues and how you responded to them was also very helpful and educational."
Jason J.
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